A CG nerd tale

Dorian Fevrier's blog

Mot-clé - translation

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dimanche, 31 juillet 2011

Project a mesh to another with Maya API (English Translation)

projection_mesh_api_tn.pngThis is the english translation of a tutorial I've done that will allow you to project a mesh to another.

This is something that can be useful but most is pretty "fun" to do (some would say everything is relative :seSentCon: ) and it's a good way to learn fundamentals of matrice operations having a both simple and concrete example.

Amateur of the API, this tutorial is for you!

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vendredi, 12 février 2010

Creating Custom Locator with Maya's Python API (English Translation)

pythonLocator001.pngThis post is a english translation of this post. I'd wrote it after post this on CGTalk. Great thanks to Daisy C. Lyle. She translate all the french version to english and make a great work! She save me hours doing this! :sourit: . Hope that this tutorial will be usefull.

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