Extrait de code MotionBuilder

Get selection

import pyfbsdk as mb

# create empty model list
models = mb.FBModelList()

# fill list with every selected model in scene

# print the name of the first selected model
print models[0].LongName

Get current file path

import pyfbsdk as mb


Walk through top models of the current scene

Source here.

import pyfbsdk as mb

def top_models():
    """Iterate over models on top of the hierarchy

    :return: iterator of models of the top of the hierarchy
    :rtype: `generator` of `pyfbsdk.FBModel`
    for model in mb.FBSystem().Scene.RootModel.Children:
        yield model

## Walk recursively through hierarchy

def walk(model):
    for child in model.Children:
        yield child
        for sub_child in walk(child):
            yield sub_child

Walk through parents

def walk_top(model):
    parent = model.Parent

    if not parent:
        raise StopIteration

    yield parent

    for grand_parent in walk_top(parent):
        yield grand_parent

Clear selection

import pyfbsdk as mb

def clear_selection():

    # get selection
    models = mb.FBModelList()

    # remove models from selection
    for models in models:
        models.Selected = False

Switch/Get time in frame or timecode

MotionBuilder return time string depending on the display time mode so this mode need to be switched before getting time string.

import pyfbsdk as mb

# get player control
player = mb.FBPlayerControl()

# TransportTimeFormat is a read write property
# here we set in timecode
player.TransportTimeFormat = mb.FBTransportTimeFormat.kFBTimeFormatTimecode

# get the FBTime object of the start frame
mb_time = mb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.LocalTimeSpan.GetStart()

# will return formatted time code: 00:00:04:05
print mb_time.GetTimeString()

# now we change to frame
player.TransportTimeFormat = mb.FBTransportTimeFormat.kFBTimeFormatFrame

# get the FBTime object again
mb_time = mb.FBSystem().CurrentTake.LocalTimeSpan.GetStart()

# will return formatted frame: 101
print mb_time.GetTimeString()

Get list of property on a particular model

import pyfbsdk as mb

# create empty model list
models = mb.FBModelList()

# fill list with every selected model in scene

# iterate over property of the model
for prop in models[0].PropertyList:

    print type(prop), prop.Name

    # python can't access datas for some types (FBPropertyAction, FBPropertyListObject, etc.)
    # that's why we use try/except
        print "VALUE", type(prop.Data), prop.Data
    except NotImplementedError:

Get Story tracks and clips

import pyfbsdk as mb

# retrieve the root of the story object
story = mb.FBStory()
root_story = story.RootFolder

# we need this to find character
scene = mb.FBSystem().Scene

# browse animation tracks
for track in root_story.Tracks:

    print type(track), track.LongName
    print "Mute", track.Mute
    print "Type", track.Type  # can't be mb.FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackCharacter for example

    # iterate over clips
    for clip in track.Clips:

        print type(clip), clip.LongName

        frame_start = clip.Start.GetFrame(mb.FBTimeMode.kFBTimeMode24Frames)
        frame_stop = clip.Stop.GetFrame(mb.FBTimeMode.kFBTimeMode24Frames)

        mark_in = clip.MarkIn.GetMilliSeconds()
        mark_out = clip.MarkOut.GetMilliSeconds()

        print frame_start, frame_stop, mark_in, mark_out

Dernière mise à jour : mar. 02 juin 2020